First Class Free
By booking through this website, you will receive any class for free on your first day.

About Me

Have Fun. Boost Confidence. Improve Social Skills.

Built upon the need for a fun environment where students can boost confidence and improve social skills, Rising Stars Youth Theatre understands individual needs and recognises every small step towards a more confident self as progress - starting with simply entering the room.

A range of theatre classes

Classes involve learning the whole drama process, from creating plot, characters and stylized performances to designing costume and props. Class begins with a game to ready the group for the main activity; these are often high energy games which promote team work, problem solving and focus. The main activities include working towards a performance or learning a new skill. All classes are delivered by attentive staff, full of energy who praise and encourage their students.

Theatre for all

A lack in confidence - overlooked and underestimated - affects all aspects of life. To some, raising a hand in school, learning to drive or going for a job interview is easy but to those who suffer from social anxiety and a lack in confidence it only gets harder. Rising Stars Youth Theatre has been built for all young people who need a family of friends, a welcoming and understanding place in which they can grow as confident individuals. Students can learn the drama process in a fun environment - with no competitions or auditions, they make the most beautiful progression: from barely being able to enter the room on their first day to performing. >


Debit & Credit cards accepted
24/7 availability
Good for children
Free consultation
Debit & Credit Cards accepted


Excellent wee group. Their script free ‘Narnia’ at Xmas was a joy to watch and see the kids really use their imagination. Nice touch with the personal critique at the end of the session too. A real confidence booster.
Keith Jones
15 Mar 2019
Elena has a great time at class and it has helped her confidence . She enjoys being the other children and learning new games.
Donna Wright
15 Mar 2019
My son has loved these classes. His confidence has grown and he has lots of fun.
. Mandy Thomson
15 Mar 2019

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Opening Hours

All day
All day
All day
All day
All day
All day
All day